I Spit On Your Grave (aka don't see this movie)

03/31 Movies for October

I Spit On Your Grave(2013)
Story: 2
Plot: 2
Theme: 3
Acting: 1
Overall: 2

I’ll start with the fact that Amazon video doesn’t have the original for rental on its online membership so I unfortunately just watched the remake. I’ll add that I feel this one is going to be quick because I honestly feel this movie had no reason to be remade. Some crazy studio heads probably thought “Kids are into that weird shocking gory shit right now, let’s make that rape-revenge movie again.” And a few months later we have the costly remake of a movie that we probably would have been fine without the first time.
The story is simple. A writer takes a trip to a cabin in the woods in hopes to finish the novel she’s currently working on. Some backwoods country bumpkins see her and decide they want to rape her and then leave her for dead. Surprise (or not) she’s not dead and comes back for a cruel, gore friendly revenge that will leave anyone wondering “why was this made.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of well used and sometimes abused gore in movies but I really don’t see a point to showing rape scenes unless the story REALLY calls for it. I also feel very few movies fit this, horror movies definitely do not. I will add that in my opinion this wasn’t a horror movie, more like gore/revenge porn. Which understandably was a big thing for people back in the 60’s and 70’s when serial killers were emerging in pop culture and the public were terrified and fascinated by it but currently is not a thing.
The plot isn’t much of anything in this movie either.  Jennifer (Sarah Butler) happens upon a gas station needing a fill up and directions sparking the interest of the attendants helping her out. When Johnny( Jeff Branson) fumbles around and makes an ass of himself his ego is hurt and later while fishing suggests raping and murdering the writer. With the help of Storch, the local sheriff (Andrew Howard) we watch as they beat and rape Jennifer and leave her for dead only to watch her fall off a bridge into a river and disappear for good. So they thought.
The rest is fairly disgusting but somehow you find yourself rooting for the presumed dead. I’ll let you imagine the rest but I will say there is raping with a shotgun and the sheering off of a penis as two methods of killing those who raped.
Overall. Not great acting either. Not much going for this film so I won’t recommend watching it but if you find yourself wanting to watch a short gore/rape movie this is your jams.


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